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The Very Best 3-Legged Lioness – Pet Dog Costume!

My 3-legged Isabelle survived Hurricane Katrina and 2 cancers, including one resulting in the amputation of her leg, was always well dressed and I wanted her costume to reflect her sweet, extraordinary personality and life!. She was the perfect, brave Lioness!

I have no craft skills, so I used an elastic waist, net ballerina skirt from the dollar store. Sewed fur panels around the elastic and blended it with some teasing and hair spray. I didn’t know what to do about the ears until I spotted a stuffed bone toy on the floor. I cut off the ends for ears and added a bow to the mane and her tail. Isabelle used her tail for balance, so I didn’t do much to her tail, but I think a bit of styling & hair spray on a 4-legged dog would work well.

Getting the mane to blend together & not gap, while keeping it lightweight to not affect her balance, was the most challenging part, but a little trimming and stitching and it worked out!

I used a brown harness because I didn’t want to disturb the mane by cutting a hole for a leash. People constantly ask me about my creative/sewing skills, neither of which I possess. My inspiration as always was making my Intrepid Lioness proud!


The Very Best 3-Legged Lioness - Pet Dog Costume!

The Very Best 3-Legged Lioness - Pet Dog Costume!

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