Transformers Costume DIY Halloween Project
Without any outside influence, my son used to play pretend that he could transform like a Transformer. The idea’s been done before, but not as I have. What sets mine apart from the other transforming costumes is that it can transform from vehicle to robot mode in seconds. You too can make this transformers costume DIY project for Halloween this year.
Constructing Optimus Prime
This Optimus Prime’s not made out of cardboard but instead of EVA foam for durability. I created this using scrap pieces of EVA foam laying around my workshop. I spent over 6 hours making this costume, which I accomplished over a span of 2 days.
In addition, the truck cab is detachable in the event my son starts to get tired. The mask can also detach for better visibility when climbing stairs.
In order to light up, this costume contains LEDs with variable blink settings in his chest piece and the truck cab.
My Little Helper
From the moment I started working on it, my son stayed with me in the workshop. He loved being able to help craft and clean up after himself.
He was especially useful when I had to test fit him for sizing of the parts. When I finished it, he was so happy that he didn’t want to take it off and insisted to go to bed in it.
Reactions to our DIY Costume
The reactions he got from everyone that saw him were that of surprise and elation. He loved hearing the crowd’s reaction when he transformed in front of them for the first time.
The crowd reaction, the costume, even the attention could never take away from the time I spent with him making it and the pride and love he had in me for doing this.
You can check out our Optimus Prime in action here: