Home » Food/Drink Costumes » Ice Cream Costumes » Unique Ice Cream Push-Up Costume!

Unique Ice Cream Push-Up Costume!

I was looking for something simple and cheap.  I was thinking of something round, like a can or something. Then remembered that my son loves push-ups so that was it.  I purchased two 50 cent poster board at the dollar store.  Then found the pale orange vinyl tablecloth at Hobby Lobby for the ice cream part.  I had a 40% off coupon so it only cost me $1.50.  I’m a drafter and have access to a large scale plotter and have a program to draw items up on the computer. So I drew up and printed off the  the push-up label.  I pasted the completed drawing on the poster boards, measured it on my son and then taped it shut.  I used a stiffer posterboard on the actual ice cream part.  Cut a round circle with tabs on it  and then stapled it onto the outer ring.  Covered it (taped it) with the orange table cloth.  I cut some of the stiffer poster board into 2 strips to use like suspenders.  I just stapled them on the inside. Cut the arm holes and ta da!!! We have a push-up!

He wore it to a cub scouts trick or treat camping trip.  So many people stopped him for pictures and told us how great the costume was!  The other kids had bought costumes. :(

He did end up falling down while running to catch up with the others (because he was stopped for picture taking!)  He ended up ripping it across the front from arm hole to arm hole and skinning his knee.  I should have used the stiffer poster board for the entire costume. We also did intend for him to wear some sort of white pants or white long johns to look like the stick but we ran out of time. And he complained it was hard to walk in because it was to long.  I think it could have been a little shorter or maybe I should have made slits by the knees for flexibility. But he only complained after he had fallen down so I really don’t think it was an issue.  This whole costume cost me about $3 and was an absolute hit!

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