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Very Cool Homemade Alien Couple Costume

Here’s our cool homemade Alien couple costume – we are aliens from Venus visiting from Venus. We couldn’t go on a cruise through the galaxy so we came to Florida instead.

We used cardboard for the female aliens spaceship, lights that were controlled by hand, a wreath ring that was able to make the skirt teeter back and forth to make a floating illusion. This was so much fun to make.

On to the brains… both heads also had lights that were installed under layers of trash bags, cotton and latex. Go big or go home… With our glue gun we were able to make our brains on the head piece stand out. We were going for the Mars attacks look and were very pleased with the outcome.

I made my hubbies cape out of curtains and cardboard. He had a strobe light that flickered underneath the robe and when he walked it seemed as if he was floating given I used a foam noodle as a support to the bottom of the robe inside. He used arm accessories that had retracting knives.

We purchased the arm wrist pads at party city. I sewed everything by hand… and the result was worth it. Everything was made by hand with the exception of the wrists guards.

This was so much fun to piece together and totally worth the outcome. We walked around my family’s neighborhood with alien music playing… Then we took it over to our local casino and people really loved it and we received great compliments.

Every year we enter a costume contest, but this year given Covid-19 and horrible weather we had minimal exposure. But we had a wonderful short visit to earth. Happy Halloween!

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