Very Last Minute Elliott Costume from E.T.

I needed a very last minute costume for work, and with a little inspiration came up with this Elliott costume. I already had the plain red zip up hoodie (you can find one anywhere, mine is American Apparel, but Target or any retail will have them). Before I tell you what I did, I will list materials:

  • Shoe box
  • White printer paper
  • String
  • Hole punch
  • Teddy bear or doll
  • Black duct tape
  • Print out of E.T.’s face
  • Tin foil
  • Hot glue gun
  • A blanket

Hot glue the paper on the shoe box that way it is plain, and no logos are showing. Hole punch two holes on the short sides, and tie your string through it. Make sure you check how the box will hang on you, you want to be comfortable. I also hot glued the string around the hole for extra hold. Roll up tin foil to make handle bars, and duct tape the ends, to make it look more like a bike handle. I rolled one long one to connect two smaller ones, and then made little handles, which are the part wrapped in tape. Hot glue the tin foil together and to the shoe box.

Find a teddy bear or doll you don’t mind losing, and hot glue a cut out of E.T.’s face to it. Wrap E.T. in the blanket and place him in the box. Make sure all the hot glue is dry before you use. I made this the day before I needed it, and the only things I didn’t have was string and duct tape. Even if you have to go out and buy all of these things, it wouldn’t cost you more than $20.

Everyone got a kick out of it, and I enjoyed seeing people’s reactions. Fun, easy, cheap, and I could move easily. A successful Halloween costume that I will definitely be reusing!

Very Last Minute Elliott Costume from E.T.

Very Last Minute Elliott Costume from E.T.

Very Last Minute Elliott Costume from E.T.

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