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Cool Homemade Raining Cat and Dogs Costume

I ordered an umbrella hat and glued cotton balls to it then I spray painted  gray/ black to make it look like storm clouds. I added “blinking tea lights” and put them under the cotton so it looked like lightening flickering. I added paper lightening bolts hanging down and then hung stuffed tiny cats and dogs from the umbrella with strings. I then bought a yellow rain coat and boots. I glued cats and dogs to the rain coat.

She then got a lighted cat mask and  cat paw gloves and a tail.

Everywhere we went people were amazed and took pictures. Many said it was one of the best costumes they had ever seen.

We then went up to Virginia City in Nevada to their costume contest. There had to be at least 50 other contestants. My granddaughter  was sure someone else would win.  They had the kids walk around in front of the judges and all of them were nodding their heads. I knew then she had this in the bag. When the judges were staring at her and talking we were so excited and  filled with anticipation. They started with 3rd place and she was not picked. Then they went to the 2nd place winner which was a guys pet pig he had named Peppa pig. She was dressed like a vampire and looked so adorable. Then they got to the first place costume. They kept looking at my granddaughter and talking in a huddle. Never in my life had I been so anxious. My granddaughter said “they keep looking at me and talking” do you think I’ll win? I told her I sure hope so. Next thing you know she won most original costume and got cash, gift certificates for the fudge shop and a really cool trophy. Never in her 9 short years on earth have I seen her as happy as she was that day. It was magical and one of the best memories we had made so far in life.

After the contest they had a parade that she got to lead. People stopped to get pictures with her and everyone made her feel so special.

We then trick or treated at all the shops and still people were asking for pictures telling me what an amazing job I had done. I was proud of us both.

After we left there we stopped at our church and attended their festivities and trunk or treat and again we were greeted with awe and everyone wanting to take pictures. The next day the school had a costume contest and once again she won.  The school kids were all in love with her costume and she was so popular.

She was the happiest I had ever seen her.

On the way home there was a costume contest at the local community center and again we were greeted with the same awe and compliments. Even the police took pics with her. She won the contest there also. They gave her toys and bags of candy and a 25.00 gift certificate.
She said it was the greatest day of her life and I believe it. She also told me I was the best grand mother in al the world. I was made up and so proud.

Today she asked me what we will do for her costume this year and I had no clue how to top last years costume. I hope what I do think of is equally as impressive. But honestly it’s going to be hard to top “raining cats and dogs”.

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