I started this easy Halloween costume idea by going to Good Will and doing some shopping. I found an old flannel jacket that was about a size to small, so the sleeves were short. Then I found a pair of work boots that were worn and a pair of overalls. At the time my son was two years old and wore a 2T. The overalls were size 14.
I stuffed lots of plastic bags like the ones you get at the grocery store inside one bag and stuffed it into the overalls. In the chest part of the overalls I sewed on a pocket on the inside and stuffed the bag into the pocket. Then I had to cut down the straps to make the bag fit right on his chest.

For the large butt, I stuffed two plastic bags and did the same by making two pockets and stuffing the bags into the pockets. I then had to hem the legs to fit so he didn’t trip. I then took some hankies and sewed on some patches to give it that old look.
I took the whole outfit outside and rubbed in some dirt. I also found an old stocking hat around the house and borrowed one of grandpas old baseball caps. I added a little face paint, found a large twig and attached a hankie and thus we had ourselves a two year old Hobo!
Everyone commented on the Hobo costume all night!
He won first place in our town contest.
Easy Halloween costume idea by Renee G., Fostoria, OH
Total Spent: $10

Another Cool and Easy Halloween Costume Idea

This is a basic Halloween costume idea. All you need is an old pair of pants, a shirt, a wig, a beard and some Austin Powers teeth.
Rip up your pants and dirty them with some paint. You can do the same with the shirt. Then get some cardboard and a sharpie and make a sign. I was walking in the park and looking at this one homeless guy, when this costume idea just clicked.
Easy Halloween costume idea by Roberto C., Las Vegas, NV
Total Spent: $20
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